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Breaking the Ice

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by Ariana Quihuiz

Graphic Courtesy of

The beginning of a semester never fails to welcome a few things: new classes, new experiences and new student activities. Joining a student group sounds fairly easy, but college students wonder if they will be able to handle another time commitment.

“A lot of freshman feel lost, not knowing where to go,” said Jasper Primack (CAS ’19). “Joining a group lets you concentrate on what you want to do outside of class and brings more focus to your life.”

This can hold especially true for the students who are just starting out at BU this semester. Fortunately, the Student Activities Office here at BU puts on a student activities fair a few weeks into every new semester. In the fall, there is SPLASH and this semester, the very appropriately named Break The Ice fair.

When you walk into the Break The Ice fair, there are students bustling around the Metcalf Ballroom in the GSU with energetic music playing in the background, giving the room an upbeat and welcoming vibe. Student groups fill the room including the BU Student Government, Habitat for Humanity, HER Network, Debate Society, Community Service Center and many more. However, not all groups can be represented at the fair, which is why there is a student activities table at the entrance that allows students to receive information on the groups that are not present.

Having a fair for students to explore their options makes it easier to narrow down opportunities and find out what the groups are all about.

“You might find something you thought you liked or always wanted to do and you don’t have to go far to find groups because they are all in one room,” said Rachel Austin (CAS ’18).

A special showcase by the BU Ballroom student group adds to the fun. Dancing to a mix of songs including ‘Mercy’ by Duffy and ‘Hit The Road Jack’ by Ray Charles, the group captured the attention of the room and possibly peaked the interest of a few students along the way.

The BU Ballroom Group is only one aspect of our diverse culture here at BU. No matter what you are interested in, there is something here for everyone.

“Because BU is so big it really relies on its students to find what BU means to them and create the culture of BU,” said Primack. Fairs like Break The Ice give students taste of BU’s diverse array of extra-curricular groups.

“You get to see the different aspects of culture on campus,” said Adia Turner (CAS ’19). “BU has so much to offer, which I think is really cool.”

Joining a student group not only allows you to immerse yourself in BU culture, but it also provides an opportunity to make new friends. A lot of students find some of their closest friends in the student groups they join.

If you are not already a part of a student group, explore your options and join something that peaks your interest. Maybe group activities are not your thing, but there is no harm in trying out something new. Look on the bright side: it can serve as a break from your daunting mound of homework. Plus, it’s never too late to join a student group; they are constantly looking for new members.

If nothing stands out to you, be innovative and take the initiative to create your own student group. Maybe we’ll see your creation at next semester’s student activities fair.

Check out the BU Student Activities website to find out how you can get involved this semester!

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