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Boston University and President Trump

by Marianne Farrell

Photo Courtesy of Flickr

2016 was an interesting year for American politics. Many experts say that former President Barack Obama really hit his stride during this past year, and made many important referendums and laws to benefit the agenda he set out to achieve upon his election in 2008. In 2016, President Donald Trump stormed forward, winning a turbulent, dramatic election that many predicted would go to Hillary Clinton.

Tensions still exist among Americans over the election, but some media outlets and politicians have truly been making an effort to work with President Trump on what has been called a “peaceful transition.” Although many perceive his presidency as a dangerous reality, Boston University students seem to have an optimist outlook on our new president.

“We need to be optimistic about a new nation,” said Mackenzie Starnes (CAS ’20). “I am optimistic, and really only time will tell after this pretty peaceful transition of power. I don't think people are more supportive of him; people are supporting change in general in the country. They are trying to create their own change if they don't like him.”

Many students feel that wanting Trump to fail and actively rooting against him from the beginning will lead to a worse outcome for Americans. No matter how much one may dislike him, it would be more beneficial to implement our own beliefs in government and try to have faith.

The majority of America strongly believes that one of the main issues with President Trump is his Twitter account. Overall, the President and the media have clashed repeatedly, leading to an even higher and dangerous bridge between liberals and conservatives.

“He has more moderate views, but he promotes more extremism,” said Kristin Lunt (COM ’20). “He brings out the worst in both parties.”

Some believe Donald Trump’s Twitter account has promoted hatred and violence throughout the country. If he were to delete his account, the future could become a tad brighter for some.

“Personally, I think the worst is out of the way,” said Tyler Fennyery (COM ’20). “He said a lot of things that he may have not have meant just to get a rise out of people. People have a right to be concerned but before we snap to quick judgment, especially with fake news going around, we should assess the situation and work together.”

While President Trump has said very foul, hurtful statements in the past, some students are not worried about his previous actions.

“Regardless of if you like him, there will hopefully be some good,” said Arthur Alcantara (COM ’20). “I think he's all talk. He's not a threat until he does something that will definitively hurt the country.”

Despite these thoughts, it’s hard to know exactly what it feels like to be on the opposite end of the hurtful comments Trump has spewed out. Until President Trump takes serious action against the general public in America, people will continue to stand by what he says.

“I think there will be a lot of opposition against Trump in the beginning, but I am optimistic about the financial future of the country,” said Elani Elizondo (CGS ’20). “He is a billionaire and he doesn't know how to lead a country, but he knows how to lead a business. Things will start to calm down after a year or so, but if anything my opinion [of Trump] has gotten worse.”

Time can only tell with this presidency. It seems that Boston University students are somewhat optimistic for the country, despite Donald Trump’s past actions and behavior during the election season. Everyone is worried about what is in store for this country, but hopefully through marches and peaceful protests, like the Women’s March, people can make their voices heard. Having Trump as president does not mean that the future of the country is hopeless. It is up to our generation to change the future. There is still hope for us all.

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