Time’s Embrace
How I wish to be lost in forever with you.
By Catherine Knox
An ever-greedy abyss steals time
lost, as the hands of what create seconds
move too quickly for humans to comprehend
stay, we beg
to no avail, we are answered
moments equate memories after a while
parties missed,
gone like the wind
wrinkles line our facade of expressions
people are lost
in a minute’s span
Then gone.
leaves are bared
then fall and are crunched under fast-moving feet
anew, the sun reveals itself each day.
Yet the presence of the moon dawns into the property of space
another night has approached to rid the day of its time
with no regret, it does not tarry its process
for it too must fall eventually
this watch I hold
I see its hands move, and I have met fear for the millionth time
golden are the days I breathe, yet what life have I led?
Trapped within my own mind, time itself is a fear
it’s never-ending life could never be ended with violence
so with this notion, I say:
hug me now
kiss me here
speak to me now
show me care; I beg of you
be the one to blow all my worries away
before I too meet time’s inevitable embrace
as we all shall,
once the sun sets itself down at last
and the hands of time take me away
from your glorifying presence.